Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week one term 3

Hello and welcome to term 3
WOW can you believe it is term 3 already - where has all these weeks gone.
And to add insult to injury it is nearly the end of week one already!!!!
Life here in Smithville has been a little hectic to say the least and I have to admit I haven't started the term in an organised mode. But as of today that is about to change. You see we went over to Rocky on Tuesday morning for a week of dentist and orthodontist appointments for Ashley who needs braces. It has been sooooo busy. He had dentist appointments everyday with a huge day on Friday having four teeth pulled out (two at 8.30am, one at 12pm and another at 2pm) and then all the wires  fitted at 2.30pm. It was very full on and he doesn't cope very well with pain - he gets cranky and won't just sit and relax he seems to need to move around trying to get rid of the pain. No matter what we say he just doesn't cope. So fun fun fun was had by all. Hahaha.
Anyway I went and saw my lecturer for last term Maths to see where I went wrong with my end of course test. So I could do some revision before this term maths. And I got a wonderful surprise - originally I had received 91% for the test but when we started going through it we discovered that I had actually gotten 94%. So I was a happy girl indeed. Still doesn't affect my HD but 3 points is 3 points. Anyway I am just pleased that I now know where I went wrong - EXPONENTS - those little rascals, they trick me all the time hehehehe. But I am going to get cracking with the revision and get them down pat. The other thing is I have to remember to include negatives - I have a habit of forgetting them when I write out my answer. It is soooo good to go back and look over where you went wrong - gives you something to focus on for next time.
Anyway I am now behind in this term Maths as I didn't get as much study done while we where away. It is nearly impossible to study with two boys in a motel room. And I forgot to take a ruler and it is a little hard to study linear equations without a ruler hahahaha you should of seen some of my hand drawn cartesian plains. So for next time I need to remember a ruler and  I have thought that if I ever find myself in the same situation - I could always pop over to the uni and study in the library or in their lovely gardens. It is so peaceful there and I could study in peace and quiet.
So today is get back on track day. I am ignoring the house work, even though the house looks like a tornado has swept through. It doesn't matter, I can catch up when I have caught up on Maths.
This is one of those times when you have to prioritise, so that is what I am doing.
So off I go to get into it!
talk soon
x joy

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